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Assessing the impacts of climate variability and change on agricultural systems in Eastern Africa while enhancing the region’s capacity to undertake integrated assessment of vulnerabilities to future changes in climate - Tanzania

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dc.contributor.author Tumbo, Siza
dc.contributor.author Mzirai, Omari
dc.contributor.author Mourice, Sixbert
dc.contributor.author Msongaleli, Barnabas
dc.contributor.author Wambura, Frank
dc.contributor.author Kadigi, Ibrahim
dc.contributor.author Sanga, Camilius
dc.contributor.author Kahimba, Frederick
dc.contributor.author Ngongolo, Hashim
dc.contributor.author Sangalugembe, Chuki
dc.contributor.author Mutabazi, Khamaldin
dc.contributor.author Sumari, Neema
dc.date.accessioned 2017-09-18T12:15:42Z
dc.date.available 2017-09-18T12:15:42Z
dc.date.issued 2015-02
dc.identifier.uri http://www.taccire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/516
dc.language.iso en en_GB
dc.publisher Research gate en_GB
dc.title Assessing the impacts of climate variability and change on agricultural systems in Eastern Africa while enhancing the region’s capacity to undertake integrated assessment of vulnerabilities to future changes in climate - Tanzania en_GB
dc.type Technical Report en_GB

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